NZ Urban Development news from the media | 21 May 2024 | Nearly 1300 homes on hold amid government review


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 21 May 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Auckland’s Long-term Plan strikes a balance on 10-year investment

Auckland Council approved its proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034 – including prioritised investment in transport and water, fairer funding for communities and an Auckland Future Fund.

This 10 year budget includes rates increases of 6.8 per cent for 2024-25, 5.8 per cent in 2025-26 and 7.9 per cent in 2026-27. The central proposal for public consultation originally proposed increases of 7.5 per cent, 3.5 per cent and 8 per cent respectively.

Auckland Council chief executive Phil Wilson said this Long-term Plan carefully balances the need for investment to cope with growth and continue to protect our environment, build resilience and sustain valued services.

Mr Wilson said at the same time it shows restraint, recognising  cost-of-living concerns, and it puts pressure on the organisation to continue pursuing cost savings and improvements.

Nearly 1300 homes on hold amid government review

Kāinga Ora has stopped plans to build nearly 1300 homes while it awaits the outcome of a government review and the Budget.

The coalition government announced the review, headed by former prime minister Sir Bill English, in December.

RNZ reported in April that select committee documents showed the housing provider had made a decision to delay some work programmes - such as KiwiBuild - following the announcement of the probe.

Official Information Act documents showed if all the developments linked to KiwiBuild that were paused went ahead, they would result in 1,283 homes.

Those included 690 KiwiBuild homes and 593 market homes.

Court of Appeal upholds Whangārei council’s liability to pay millions in negligence case

A legal saga spanning two decades, in which a council misplaced a crucial resource consent, has reached another chapter as the Court of Appeal reaffirms the council’s liability to pay millions for negligence.

Malcolm Daisley, known as Jimmy Daisley, has been in an enduring battle with the Whangārei District Council (WDC) for 20 years, clocking up such a financial burden he was forced to sell his property.

Despite rulings from the High Court for the WDC to pay up, the council has yet to pay a dollar and has failed once again in its latest bid to avoid penalty.

Daisley has been vocal about the penalty he is owed even applying to the High Court to force the sale of Whangārei’s largely vacant convention centre, Forum North.

NZ Transport Agency confirms funding for Te Huia

The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi board has this week confirmed co-investment arrangements for regional commuter train Te Huia, says Chief Executive Nicole Rosie.

NZTA will continue to co-invest in the Te Huia service between Hamilton and Auckland, with approximately $12.2m committed from the 2024/27 National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) for the remaining 2 years of the 5-year trial. This is a progressive reduction of the share that NZTA funds for the operation of the service.  

Nicole Rosie says that funding pressure for land transport and a new draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) which outlines new priorities for NZTA, means on-going co-investment in these services had to be carefully considered.  

“The draft GPS continues to prioritise effective public transport to provide commuters with more choice and to help to reduce travel times, congestion, and emissions. There is a need to link ongoing investment to service and commercial performance to make sure taxpayers’ money is being used in the best way,” says Nicole Rosie.

NZ Transport Agency confirms funding for Te Huia

The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi board has this week confirmed co-investment arrangements for regional commuter train Te Huia, says Chief Executive Nicole Rosie.

NZTA will continue to co-invest in the Te Huia service between Hamilton and Auckland, with approximately $12.2m committed from the 2024/27 National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) for the remaining 2 years of the 5-year trial. This is a progressive reduction of the share that NZTA funds for the operation of the service.  

Nicole Rosie says that funding pressure for land transport and a new draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) which outlines new priorities for NZTA, means on-going co-investment in these services had to be carefully considered.  

“The draft GPS continues to prioritise effective public transport to provide commuters with more choice and to help to reduce travel times, congestion, and emissions. There is a need to link ongoing investment to service and commercial performance to make sure taxpayers’ money is being used in the best way,” says Nicole Rosie.

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