NZ Urban Development News - 12 Dec


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 12 December 2017

Queenstown hotel's planned height concerns neighbours


Residents and a neighbouring business are unhappy about the potential impact of a planned $45million hotel in Queenstown.
A subsidiary of Auckland's Safari Group Ltd has applied for resource consent for the 133-room Ramada hotel and apartment complex on the corner of Frankton Rd and Stanley St. It would be one of the landmarks on the way into the Queenstown CBD.
But the five-storey building's 17.5m height breaches both the operative (8m) and proposed district plan (15m).

Developing a huge block of land in Taupō could be a 'disaster' for house prices

Housing supply needs to be managed carefully so values don't plummet, a building company owner says.
Taupō District Council has a 180-hectare block of land for sale, which could add 2000 sections to the market
While the growth would be good for Taupō, Penny Homes' managing director John Penny says the council needs to be careful.
Developing the East Urban Lands block too soon could potentially put three-years worth of supply on the market at once, he said.

Auckland economic update December 2017

In Auckland, the total number of new dwellings consented in the year ended October 2017 was 10,469. The real value of new non-residential buildings consented in Auckland in the year ended October 2017 was $2,040 million

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