NZ Urban Development News - 5 February


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 5 February 2019.

Awakeri Wetlands Project digs deep to support new community

Auckland Council is investing around $100 million in unlocking what was once flood-prone, flat, peaty rural land around Takanini and transforming the area into an eco-friendly urban community.

As developers construct thousands of modern homes, the environment is being revitalised as part of the three-stage Awakeri Wetlands Project. The project comes under the council’s strategy to protect people and property from the dangers of flooding and preserve and enhance the health and value of Auckland’s waterways and harbours for future generations.

The Awakeri Wetlands Project is a signature project, creating healthy and connected waterways, shared cycleways and pathways and open green spaces to support restored natural habitats and resolve flooding and stormwater problems in the Takanini area.

KiwiBuild to be 'recalibrated' as interim targets are scrapped

KiwiBuild's "interim" targets for this electoral term have been scrapped as the Government recalibrates the programme.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Housing Minister Phil Twyford told media from their caucus retreat on Wednesday that their commitment to building 100,000 affordable homes over the next decade remains intact, but the interim targets for this term did not.

The Government has been dealing with the fallout from an admission by Twyford that the Government would not be able build 1000 of the homes by July 1, its first interim target. Instead it expects to build just 300.

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