NZ Urban Development News


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 19 September 2017

Neville Street in Warkworth.

Green light for Rodney structure plans

Structure plans are being developed for Warkworth and Silverdale West-Dairy Flat business land.
The Future Urban Land Supply Strategy identifies the Silverdale West/Dairy Flat business area as being development ready between 2018-2022 and Warkworth North in 2022.
Council staff with local board input will work with the community and iwi to develop a structure plan which sets out a pattern of future land uses such as housing, employment land, open space, environmental constraints and new centres. The plan will also identify infrastructure including roads, wastewater and water supply.

Limited appeal rights available to parts of Auckland Council’s decision on Redhills Precinct

Limited rights of appeal against Auckland Council’s decision to accept the recommendations made by the Independent Hearings Panel on Redhills Precinct are now available.
Last week the High Court issued a decision on the judicial review proceedings brought by Bunnings Limited, declaring that certain recommendations made by the Independent Hearings Panel (and accepted by the council) were beyond the scope of submissions made on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (‘out of scope’).
The ‘out of scope’ recommendations comprise the inclusion of arterial roads in Redhills Precinct, amendments made to the alignment of those arterial roads relative to the alignment of the collector roads shown in the submissions, and the new arterial connection to the Fred Taylor Drive / Don Buck Road roundabout.

TR2017 022 Assessment of potential impacts of different growth scenarios 1

An assessment of potential impacts of different growth scenarios on Auckland's natural environment

September 2017 Economic 1
Auckland economic update September 2017

Wellington City Council's housing priority initiatives for consideration includes redeveloping central area buildings ...

Wellington City Council 'pursuing housing as a matter of urgency'

Redeveloping central city buildings for residential housing and a one-stop shop for consents are among a raft of measures to be "pursued as a matter of urgency" to tackle Wellington's dire housing needs.
The Wellington City Council is also planning to set up a new political housing sub-committee to ensure all Wellingtonians are well housed.
There is an estimated shortfall of about 3900 homes in the city and an extra 37,000 homes will be required to meet a population growth of between 50,000 and 80,000 by 2043.

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