NZ Urban Development news from the media | 12 November | Best Kiwi architecture celebrated in NZIA awards


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 12 November 2019.

Provided by Rockhopper

Best Kiwi architecture celebrated in NZIA awards

For several years, the NZIA Architecture Awards have bemoaned the lack of high-quality multi-unit developments, but this year that all changed.

The winner of the Sir Ian Athfield Award for Housing, announced at a special event in Queenstown on Saturday, November 9, was Architectus for the multi-unit housing development, Wynyard Central East 2.

In announcing the award the judges said the development reflects a very unusual conjunction of client ambition and architectural talent: "More residences could have been squeezed onto the site, but it's better for everyone that they weren't."

Phil Twyford hopes new legislation will make it easier for the cost of infrastructure in new suburbs to be covered by homeowners

Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP) says it’s proving difficult to roll out an infrastructure financing model being pioneered in northern Auckland in other parts of the country.

However CIP CEO, Graham Mitchell, told these weren’t “quite as straight-forward”.

Not only does Milldale have the scale necessary to make raising debt economic, but it also only has one major developer, which reduces the complexity of all the contractual arrangements involved.

Development combining residential and visitor accommodation near Queenstown approved

An eco-development featuring 53 cabins, a lodge and a 400-hectare beech forest near Queenstown has been given the go-ahead, despite concerns it will affect how the area looks.

Treespace director Adam Smith told a resource consent hearing in September that the development would put trees before houses.

The proposed 53-lot subdivision would include residential and visitor accommodation within a large-scale forest on Mt Dewar, between the suburb of Arthurs Point and Coronet Peak.

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