NZ Urban Development news from the media | 14 May | More than 1,000 homeless to be housed through Budget 2019


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 14 May 2019.

Provided by Rockhopper

More than 1,000 homeless to be housed through Budget 2019

Budget 2019 will turn around the lives of more than a 1,000 long-term homeless people by helping them into permanent homes – the largest government investment ever in addressing chronic homelessness, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford announced today.

Jacinda Ardern said Budget 2019 is breaking the cycle for long-term homeless people by giving them a permanent, warm and safe home, and support services to help address the causes of homelessness.

“Housing is a basic human right and allows people to live with dignity.

Auckland's newest sky scraper, the 'cheese grater', should be built by 2024

Chinese-backed ICD Property aims to have its $200 million-plus, 46-storey "cheese grater" tower in downtown Auckland across from the Sky Tower completed "sometime during 2024."

In its first move into the New Zealand market, the Melbourne-based developer has recently settled the $40m purchase of a seven-storey car park from Sky City Entertainment Group as the site for the 180-metre high hotel and apartment tower at 65 Federal Street.

"Subject to collaboration with our local team and Auckland Council, building consent is anticipated by end 2020," ICD Property managing director Matthew Khoo said.

NZ Infrastructure Pipeline launched

The Government has published a prototype Infrastructure Pipeline, to show what projects will be delivered by major central government agencies over the next five years, Infrastructure Minister Shane Jones announced today.

Developing a long-term and publicly available Infrastructure Pipeline will be a key focus for the new Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga, which is on track to be up and running by the end of the year.

“By shining a light on the big capital projects expected over a five-year horizon, the pipeline will not only give industry much needed certainty, but also help inform the Infrastructure Commission’s thinking as it develops a 30-year strategy to reverse New Zealand’s infrastructure deficit and maximise value for money from the Government’s $42 billion capital spending plan,” Shane Jones said.

Auckland Council service centre in the CBD attracts $58 million offer

Auckland Council has an offer of $58 million for its service centre at 35 Graham Street in the central city, the most valuable of seven properties it has put on the block.

The decision to sell the properties with a combined value of around $150m was taken almost a year ago with some buildings to be sold from legacy councils raising opposition, though the vote to sell the buildings was decisive with 13 councillors supporting it and four against.

The Graham Street service centre has a 2017 capital value of $52m and is one of several service centre buildings up for sale following the amalgamation of councils into one Auckland-wide territorial authority.

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