NZ Urban Development news from the media | 15 Feb 2021 | RMA to be repealed and replaced


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 16 February 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

RMA to be repealed and replaced

The Government is delivering on its promise to reform the Resource Management system based on the comprehensive review carried out last year.

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) will be repealed and replaced with new laws this parliamentary term, Environment Minister David Parker confirmed today. 

The three new Acts will be the:

  • Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA) to provide for land use and environmental regulation (this would be the primary replacement for the RMA)
  • Strategic Planning Act (SPA) to integrate with other legislation relevant to development, and require long-term regional spatial strategies
  • Climate Change Adaptation Act (CAA) to address complex issues associated with managed retreat and funding and financing adaptation.

New tenant protections come into effect

For the first time in nearly a generation, our rental laws are fit for the times, thanks to this Government’s Residential Tenancies Act reform, says Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing), Poto Williams.

“The new tenancy rules come into effect today and reflect the realities of the modern-day renting environment. Tenants are now able to make their house a home. From today it’s critical that landlords and tenants understand how the changes affect them,” says Poto Williams.

“This Government believes the updated rental laws now provide adequate protections for both tenants and landlords. The reforms have come at a time when Kiwis are renting now more than ever, including whānau and older people,” says Minister Williams.

A key focus of the reform has been to improve security of tenure and enable tenants to put down roots in their communities.

Quirky Welles St retro building a distinctive investment

Christchurch developer Box 112 is divesting one of its first developments – the South Town building housing the iconic Welles St bar – from its large portfolio.

The property, at 44 Welles St, which began its life as a grocery distribution centre is set for auction on March 4.

The 599 sqm building, with its distinctive facade, is leased to hospitality operator Campbell Fields & Co on a 12-year term.

Box 112 has been instrumental in transforming South Town, the south end of the CBD mostly left standing after the earthquakes, into a quirky and vibrant precinct with unique offerings.

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