Aucklanders strongly support city’s future growth strategy
Aucklanders have backed Auckland Council’s draft strategy for how the city should grow over the next 30 years with more than 10,000 giving feedback.
The Future Development Strategy is the council’s 30-year plan to make sure homes, jobs and infrastructure are built in the right places, at the right time, to accommodate an expected half a million more people. It also addresses protecting our environment and building resilience to natural hazards and climate change while making the best use of limited funding for infrastructure.
Public consultation ran from 6 June – 31 July and results released today come from responses from 8,552 Aucklanders, 256 organisations including many developers and 1,275 pro-forma campaigns.
Chair of the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee, Councillor Richard Hills says public feedback results show 66 per cent of individual responses support focusing growth in existing urban areas, with other proposals gaining even stronger support.