NZ Urban Development news from the media | 20 August 2024 | Time of use schemes to reduce travel times


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 20 August 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Time of use schemes to reduce travel times

The Government will introduce legislation this year to enable time of use schemes to be developed to reduce travel times on our busiest roads and boost economic growth, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.

“Congestion is a tax on time and productivity. It means that we are away from home for longer, sitting in gridlock. It results in fewer jobs being done, fewer goods being moved, and delays to services across the city.

“Faster, more reliable travel times will increase productivity, and lower costs for businesses and their customers. That is why we are enabling time of use schemes to be put in place.

“Time of use schemes will improve network efficiency to increase productivity and enable Kiwis and freight to get where they need to go quickly and safely. It is not about raising revenue.

“Enabling time of use schemes is a priority for our Government and a commitment under the National-ACT Coalition Agreement.”

Virtual eyes enhance Auckland Council’s flood management

Auckland Council has made a significant advancement in its stormwater management capabilities through the deployment of cutting-edge, AI-driven hotspot cameras across the city.

The initiative is part of the Making Space for Water (MSFW) programme, a comprehensive 10-year, $760 million effort funded by local and government sources to improve flood readiness and mitigate risk across Auckland.

Following a successful trial in 2022, which saw seven solar-powered cameras capture images at key stormwater sites, then use artificial intelligence to analyse the information and alert contractors to problems, Auckland Council is set to expand this technology.

Near-100 house Blenheim development fast-tracked

A resource consent for 94 new homes to be built on Hospital Rd in Blenheim has been fast-tracked by an independent panel.

The six hectare stretch of grass and trees behind Hospice Marlborough, including an empty building at 46 Hospital Rd, was put up for sale by the former Nelson Marlborough District Health Board in 2019.

It was later bought by Te Tūapapa Kura Kāinga Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) for $4 million.

MHUD's head of land acquisition and development Matt Fraser said at the time the property would be developed for housing with Wairau iwi partners.

The decision to fast-track the consent, under the Covid-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020, was released on Friday.

That decision outlined the application by Hāpai Development Property Limited Partnership, a group comprised of eight Te Tauihu iwi, led by Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau.

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