NZ Urban Development news from the media | 20 September 2022 | New process considered for extensive urban development in Tauranga


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 20 September 2022.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

New process considered for extensive urban development in Tauranga

In response to the significant housing need in Tauranga and a request by Tauranga City Council, Kāinga Ora has selected Tauranga’s Western Corridor as the second project for assessment as a potential Specified Development Project under the Urban Development Act 2020.
Selection for assessment kicks off an extensive engagement and consultation process, as Kāinga Ora considers the suitability of using its urban development tools for the project area. Once the assessment process is complete, Kāinga Ora will recommend to Ministers whether or not a Specified Development Project (SDP) should be established.

The western Bay of Plenty sub-region, which includes Tauranga City, has been one of New Zealand’s fastest growing urban areas in recent years. As the population has increased, the demand for housing has exceeded supply, pushing up property prices and increasing the need for new urban development areas.

The SmartGrowth Partnership, which includes the local and regional Councils, tangata whenua and central Government, estimates that an additional 43,000 homes are needed in the region by 2048.

Auckland Council Development Contributions policy out for second public consultation

Auckland Council is seeking feedback on the next stage of updating its Development Contributions Policy, to ensure new developments contribute fairly to the funding of the council’s infrastructure.

With Auckland projected to continue to grow rapidly over the next 30 years, reaching a population of 2.4 million by 2050, more housing and infrastructure will be needed. Delivering infrastructure such as parks, community facilities and transport networks to support this growth is a key part of what Auckland Council does.

Auckland Council Chief Economist, Gary Blick says infrastructure the council provides enables development to occur.

Anger after Crown hands red zone land to property developer

Former red-zoned landowners and environment campaigners are angry the Government has given away pieces of Christchurch’s red zone for potential redevelopment.

They are urging legal protection to stop more of the zone, which is intended as an ecological reserve, being broken up for commercial purposes.

Land Information New Zealand (Linz) has confirmed it has given three riverside red zone properties to people on cross leases who declined to sell after the earthquakes. The same has been done with a handful red zoned sites in other parts of the city.

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