NZ Urban Development news from the media | 21 July 2020 | Auckland transport infrastructure revealed


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 21 July 2020.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Advisory, a member of:                             

Auckland transport infrastructure revealed

Approximately 800 jobs are expected to be created through a $182 million investment in four transport projects, and this investment protects around 200 jobs on the two projects already underway. It also frees up $98 million in Auckland Council’s Emergency Budget to be re-invested in other infrastructure projects. 

Phil Twyford said this is a balanced transport package that reflected the need to invest in ‘shovel ready’ projects and create a pipeline of work.

“By investing in the under construction Puhinui Interchange and Stage One of the Ferry Basin Redevelopment project, we are protecting jobs and making sure these important projects can continue. Both are expected to be completed next year.

“Two West Auckland projects have the green light; $100 million worth of improvements to the North Western Motorway to allow faster and more frequent bus services, and a new $37 million shared path alongside the Whau River connecting New Lynn and Te Atatū. The Northwestern Bus Improvements could mean up to 35 minutes saved on a bus trip from Westgate into the city."

$250m Auckland hotel and luxury apartment development to start construction in two months

Australian developers Ninety-Four Feet are starting construction of a $250 million hotel and luxury apartment tower in Auckland and are planning developments in Wellington and Queenstown.

Ninety-Four Feet had started the development last year clearing the site at 51 Albert Street, in the CBD, including demolition, which was completed in December last year. The Covid-19 lockdown slowed plans to get construction underway. A fixed price construction contract had been signed with Icon Co Pty Ltd (NZ).

Project manager Matt George of Nintey-Four Feet said the company was totally committed to the 225-room, 41-level hotel and apartment development, which will be one of Auckland’s tallest buildings.

New Community Transport Hub approved for Warkworth

A new park and ride facility in Warkworth will bring new community benefits to the area such as car parks, bike racks, and bus stops.

The Warkworth Community Transport Hub design approved by Rodney Local Board will be delivered by Auckland Transport (AT) working on behalf of the local board, which is funding the project.

"The new Community Transport Hub will be a fabulous new addition to our town and region," says Beth Houlbrooke, Rodney Local Board Deputy Chair and member for the Warkworth subdivision.

Waipā District Council expects preparation work for homes will help its economy recover from Covid-19

Work is about to start enabling development of 2500 homes and a new 1000-pupil primary school in Cambridge.

In total, $50m will be spent on new infrastructure over the next 18 months to allow the housing development to become reality, with work on first homes appearing in 2022.

The infrastructure work will include $6m-$8m on installing or replacing water, stormwater or wastewater systems along Cambridge Rd, towards St Peter’s school.

The $50m will also help pay to build a new intersection on Cambridge Rd near Te Awa Lifecare retirement village.

Community at the heart of new Mangere development

Boasting 65 new warm, dry homes on a 6,082 sqm site, the development replaces 16 older state homes built in the 1960s. The homes are part of the Mangere Development, which will see approximately 10,000 new public, affordable and market housing delivered alongside upgraded amenities and infrastructure over the next 15 to 20 years.

Complete with a community room, barbecue facilities, fruit trees, shared garden space, playground, cycle track and a bike storage area, Housing Minister Megan Woods says community lies at the heart of the new development.

Three people standing infront of a development
Kāinga Ora Board Chair Vui Mark Gosche, Mangere MP Aupito William Sio and Housing Minister Megan Woods at the opening of the Bader Drive, McKenzie Road and Cessna Place complex.

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