NZ Urban Development news from the media | 21 October 2021 | Red tape cut to boost housing supply


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 27 October 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Red tape cut to boost housing supply

First home buyers are set to benefit from changes to planning rules being advanced by the Government and the National Party that will enable more medium density housing and cut red tape that acts as a barrier to development, Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods and Environment Minister David Parker announced today.

Under the changes people will be able to build up to three homes of up to three storeys on most sites without the need for a resource consent. Currently district plans typically only allow for one home of up to two storeys.

“The housing crisis is a problem decades in the making that will take time to turn around. There is no silver bullet, but combined with other measures taken by this Government these changes will start to make a difference,” Megan Woods said.

Housing in mix as home to golf, racing in Tauranga goes under the spotlight

A block of historic reserve land in central Tauranga roughly the size of 100 rugby fields – owned by the Crown and home to a golf course and racecourse – is under review by the city council, in partnership with Kāinga Ora.

Tauranga City Council calls the project The Greerton Maarawaewae Study and says the aim is to “identify opportunities that will support wellbeing and liveability as the city continues to grow”.

“This is about good urban development outcomes and considering what is the best use for the site in the future, of which housing could be a part.”

However, both the golf club and racing club that lease the land are adamant they do not want to see any houses on the reserve and want it to remain a green space in perpetuity.

Auckland Council raises $1 billion in Green Bonds

Auckland Council’s retail Green Bond offer last week raised $300 million, seeing the council surpass $1 billion in funds raised through the sustainable finance framework.

The council’s initial Green Bond release in June 2018 was the first for any organisation in New Zealand and this milestone is yet another success.

Finance and Performance Committee Chair, Councillor Desley Simpson welcomes the result.

“This demonstrates that raising finance for greener outcomes has definitely paid off," she says.

"Responsible investment and financing are important tools for us in pursuing our sustainable development targets and I’m proud that the council has not just been an Auckland leader in this space, but a national leader.

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