NZ Urban Development news from the media | 22 February 2022 | Wellington gets 300 new public homes in transformational urban regeneration project


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 22 February 2022.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Wellington gets 300 new public homes in transformational urban regeneration project

The regeneration of a landmark location on the fringe of Wellington’s CBD will provide warm, dry public homes for an estimated 900 families and individuals, the Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods announced today.

This confirms $296 million of the Government’s public housing funding is supporting the delivery of the Arlington Development in Mt Cook, Wellington with infrastructure work underway, following decontamination of the site.

 “This is a significant milestone for the construction of around 300 new homes for public housing, plus shared amenities such as a playground, community gardens and rooms, offices, and orchards in the heart of central Wellington,” Megan Woods said.

Foodstuffs joins airport to oppose Rolleston rezoning application

Developers applying to rezone land in east Rolleston for up to 660 sections are facing opposition from two big corporate players.

Foodstuffs (South Island) Ltd and Christchurch International Airport Ltd were represented at a two-day hearing last week for the rezoning application pertaining to 53ha rural land, bounded by Levi, Lincoln Rolleston Rds and Nobeline Drive.

The supermarket giant expects to begin building a Pak’n Save at the site this year and wants developers to modify their plans. Christchurch International Airport Ltd opposed homes being built in its air noise contour zone.

Consultation on proposed regulation of residential property managers

The Government is seeking feedback on proposals for the regulation of residential property managers. The proposals aim to promote public confidence in the delivery of residential property management services and protect the interests of property owners, tenants and other consumers. 

While residential property managers who are members of industry bodies follow minimum competency and practice standards, the sector as a whole is not regulated. With the New Zealand rental market changing and a greater portion of people renting, it is important to make sure that property owners and renters have confidence that property managers meet their legal obligations. 

The proposed regulatory system includes registration, licencing, training and education requirements, together with industry practice standards and a complaints and disciplinary framework to hold property managers to account.

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