NZ Urban Development news from the media | 24 Mar | Record Government transport investment in Draft GPS 2021


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 24 March 2020.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Advisory, a member of:                             

Record Government transport investment in Draft GPS 2021

  • $54 billion to be invested in transport over 10 years.
  • No petrol excise or road user charge increases proposed.
  • Record investment in roads, public transport, rail, coastal shipping and walking and cycling. 

The Ministry of Transport has released the draft Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021/22–2030/31 (the draft GPS 2021) for public feedback.

The GPS helps to guide investment in land transport by providing a long term strategic view of the Government’s priorities for investment in the land transport network.

The GPS provides direction and guidance to those who are planning, assessing, and making decisions on investment of over $4 billion a year from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). It also provides signals for a further $1 billion co-investment each year by local government.

Developer seeks variation for more flexibility around house designs at Richmond West

The company behind a 482-lot residential development at Richmond West has requested a variation to provide "flexibility" around the design of the homes.

Richmond West Development Company Ltd is the owner, developer and marketer of the site, which is called The Meadows. It follows the company's 71-lot adjacent development called The Fields. Sections in the first stage of The Meadows went on sale in September 2019. Two other stages have since been released.

The Meadows and The Fields are part of a wider development on 51ha bordered by Lower Queen St and McShane Rd, which was announced as a Special Housing Area in August 2017.

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