NZ Urban Development news from the media | 25 April 2023 | Northern Corridor Improvements project completed


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 25 April 2023.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Northern Corridor Improvements project completed

Minister of Transport Michael Wood marked the completion of the Northern Corridor Improvements project this morning, opening the final six kilometre section of shared path on Auckland’s North Shore between Constellation Station and Oteha Valley Road.

“The Government is upgrading New Zealand’s transport system to make it safer, greener, and more efficient for now and future generations to come,” Michael Wood said.

“By giving people more transport choices, like we’ve done through this project, we can reduce transport emissions, reduce congestion on our roads, and build healthier, better connected communities.

“Through the Northern Corridor improvements project we’ve added a five kilometre extension to the Northern Busway, completed the western ring route along with state highway upgrades, and created 10km of shared paths and local connections in the last five years.

Government to make it easier to get resource consent for wind farms and and solar

The Government is planning to make it easier for developers to get resource consents for renewable energy projects such as new and upgraded solar and wind farms.

Environment Minister David Parker said the country needed to rapidly expand its renewable energy infrastructure to reduce emissions and meet its climate change goals, and the existing rules could not support the rate of development that was needed.

Options proposed by the Government include creating a new mechanism to allow renewable energy projects in areas that have been defined as having significant environmental value, and making it easier to get consent for projects even if there are negative local effects.

Previous news can be access here: 

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