NZ Urban Development news from the media | 26 October 2022 | Property development company Winton takes Kāinga Ora to court


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 26 October 2022.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Property development company Winton takes Kāinga Ora to court over refusal to fast-track $4b 'car-less' neighbourhood

Property development company Winton Land alleges Kāinga Ora is engaging in anticompetitive behaviour by refusing private developers fair access to fast-track powers and paying well above market rate for land.

Winton Land Limited, and its subsidiary Sunfield, filed a case at the Auckland High Court on Wednesday alleging Kāinga Ora engaged in anticompetitive behaviour by refusing to fast-track their $4b Sunfield development in Papakura.

Winton Land chief executive Chris Meehan declined to state the amount of money being sought, but said it was significant.

Have your say on e Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga –
Ministry of Housing and
Urban Development's Long-term Insights Briefing

Aotearoa New Zealand’s population is changing and we’re looking ahead at how our housing and urban development systems will be impacted and how we need to respond.   

In the next decade, there will be more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 15.  

Population ageing will increase the number of seniors and change the composition of our population. This will exacerbate existing challenges for our housing and urban systems, affecting people of all ages.

Progress continues on Homelessness Action Plan

The latest progress report for the Aotearoa New Zealand Homelessness Action Plan shows milestones continue to be met as the Government works hard to address homelessness.

This is the fifth progress report on the plan which first launched in February 2020.

“The last six months has seen solid progress against the 18 actions outlined in the plan. By agencies working collectively with communities, Māori, iwi and housing providers, we’ve been able to support more New Zealanders out of homelessness,” said Associate Minister of Housing (Homelessness), Marama Davidson.

“One of the milestones I’m really proud of is the contracting of over 2200 sustaining tenancy places which will help individuals, families and whānau who may be at risk of losing their tenancies.

Previous news can be access here: 

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