Rotorua marks third step in delivery of its Emergency Housing plan
A critical turning point in the Government’s actions to better support people living in emergency housing motels in Rotorua has been reached, says Housing Minister Megan Woods, who is visiting its recently completed housing hub.
“Te Pokapū, a community-led housing hub in central Rotorua, is a single access point connecting people with the right support services for them,” says Megan Woods.
“It is the result of many months of careful planning, and could not have been achieved without a strong partnership between Te Taumata, social service providers, MSD, and Lakes DHB.
“This one-stop shop provides crucial support for people in Government-contracted motels, including services to help whānau settle into their accommodation, social worker support, Ready-to Rent programmes, budgeting training, numeracy and literacy training, and after-school and holiday programmes for children.
“This hub is a key part of the moves we made last year to ensure there is wrap-around support for whanau and tamariki living in motels,” Megan Woods said.