NZ Urban Development news from the media | 4 April 2023 | Ambitious new housing development for Whangārei


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 4 April 2023.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Ambitious new housing development for Whangārei 

A new public housing development planned for Whangārei will provide 95 warm and dry, modern homes for people in need, Housing Minister Megan Woods says.

The Kauika Road development will replace a motel complex in the Avenues with 89 three-level walk up apartments, alongside six homes.
“Whangārei has a rapidly growing population and limited housing supply, so this development helps address an urgent need for more public housing,” Megan Woods said.

“So far this Government has delivered over 11,500 more public homes around New Zealand; one in 7 of the public homes in today’s stock have been added since we took office. That’s a great testament to the commitment we have to building and supporting public housing.”   

The Kauika Road project is part of a wider neighbourhood planning approach, which aims to increase standalone public housing delivery in areas of high demand, like Tikipunga, Vinegar Hill and the Avenues.ārei

New congestion busting harbour crossing options unveiled

Transport Minister Michael Wood has unveiled five scenarios for one of the most significant city-shaping projects for Tāmaki Makaurau in coming decades, the additional Waitematā Harbour crossing.

“Aucklanders and businesses have made it clear that the biggest barriers to the success of Auckland is persistent congestion and after years of inaction by the previous government we are on track to fix it,” Michael Wood said.

“We want an unclogged, connected, and futureproofed transport network so Aucklanders can get to work on time, and don’t need to wake up earlier just to get their kids to school - it’s vital that we have a harbour crossing that works for the city.

“The additional Waitematā Harbour connections, for which construction will begin in 2029, will providing a future proofed solution for people wanting to travel across Te Waitematā be it by car, bus, light rail, walking, cycling, or truck as fast as possible.

Construction process for Te Hā Noa set to begin on 11 April

Te Hā Noa, a renewed Victoria Street, is the next big project in Auckland Council’s Midtown Regeneration programme.

Since it first made the pages of the City Centre Masterplan (CCMP) in 2012, Te Hā Noa has been described in different ways: linear park, tree-lined avenue and ‘the new backyard’.

Last week, the green light was given by the council’s Governing Body for construction of the eastern section of Te Hā Noa - from Elliott Street to Kitchener Street - to begin.

Head of City Centre Programmes for Auckland Council, Jenny Larking, says it will be an historic day when the construction process begins on 11 April.

Te Hā Noa is a flagship for contemporary urban design, putting people at its heart. It is a pivotal feature in the CCMP – re-endorsed in 2020 - the blueprint for the city centre’s ongoing renewal.

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