Panuku to sell a historic Auckland building to a developer has led to calls for more transparency from councillors
Auckland councillor Mike Lee is calling for the Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) Panuku to suspend any sale or transfer of ownership of the historic property until the council has been provided with a full report of the commercial details of the proposed transaction, including the price. And he also wants more information on how the outstanding heritage concerns relating to the Category A listed building have been resolved.
Civic Lane Ltd is planning to buy the building. Its part owner and director, property developer John Love, plans to turn the Grey’s Ave building, which borders Mayoral Drive and Aotea Square, into apartments with food and beverage outlets on the lower levels as a key part of a wider $200 million to $300 million development. The wider development is expected to include new commercial office and retail space, as well as a hotel built on Mayoral Drive itself.
But Lee says he wants to see the sale suspended until some key questions are answered and he’s seeking the support of fellow councillors to make sure it happens.