Tech giant Amazon’s $7.5b NZ data centre plan quietly put on hold
Two-and-a-half years ago, Newsroom revealed Amazon was bailing on its plan to shoot its $1.5 billion Lord of the Rings TV series in NZ.
Now, we can report that its even bigger plans to spend $7.5b building data centres around Auckland have been quietly put on hold – though the company isn’t admitting it.
In 2021, with great fanfare, Amazon Web Services had promised customers it would open a so-called “region” of three or more large, interlinked data centres in 2024. These would ensure sensitive government and corporate data was kept safe in New Zealand. Customers spoke excitedly about “data sovereignty” and “the digital transformation of our country”.
US tech giant Amazon draining Auckland wetlands to build big cloud data centre
But only one consent application to build a data centre is known to have been filed with Auckland Council; contractors were permitted last year to start on geotechnical tests and clearing a small wetland, home to nesting dabchicks.