NZ Urban Development News


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 9 August 2017

Makeover and expansion coming for Aotea Centre

One of Auckland’s most famous landmarks will undergo a refresh and expansion in an exciting new development set to rejuvenate the Aotea arts quarter.

The Aotea Centre will be transformed by two significant projects that will ensure the building remains fit for purpose for future generations.

The first phase of the development is a refurbishment of the exterior which will result in a distinctive new look when completed, followed by a refresh of the foyer spaces. Work will begin in early 2018 and is scheduled to finish in time for the Auckland Arts Festival in March 2019.

National, Labour battle over how to fix Auckland's traffic congestion problems

Labour and National on Sunday afternoon both announced plans to help fix Auckland's traffic congestion problems.

Construction peak to be higher, last for longer

Residential, commercial and infrastructure building activity is forecast to continue to boom for the next three years to a record $42 billion in 2020, according to the independent National Construction Pipeline Report for 2017 released today by Building and Construction Minister Dr Nick Smith.

“The principle answer to New Zealand’s housing challenges is to build more and this report shows we are on track with record numbers of new homes in the pipeline. The report projects 196,500 homes will be built over the next six years, the largest ever in New Zealand history, with 100,000 over the next three years,” Dr Smith says.


Building minister weighs in on Auckland's housing accord

Building and Housing Minister Nick Smith has defended Auckland's now defunct housing accord, despite concern from Auckland Council's planning committee chairman about its effectiveness and the "inactivity" of some special housing areas.

Councillor Chris Darby called for a report on the council's three-year housing accord with central government, which was replaced by the city's unitary plan late last year.

The report Darby called for found that of the 154 SHAs granted, 25 showed no sign of activity. That, by Darby's calculations, represented 2184 potential dwellings that were yet to be started.


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