NZ Urban Development News


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 28 August 2017

Auckland house-in-a-day: Fletcher unveils high-speed process

Fletcher Living has just built a three-bedroom house in a day and hopes it will inspire others to use new techniques and build faster to meet Auckland's pressing housing needs.

Fletcher Residential and Land Development chief executive Steve Evans this morning showed off the 170sq m $800,000-plus house at Hobsonville Pt, which he said was put up between 7.30am and 5pm yesterday.

It usually takes six to nine months to build a house in Auckland, he said. But Fletcher Living's panelised components could enable others in the sector to regularly put up a home in a single day, he said.

Wellington plans a Housing Quality Standard for every home in the city

Wellington homeowners face the possibility of being forced to bring their homes up to an approved city council standard.
The proposed Housing Quality Standard will be voluntary at first, but deputy mayor Paul Eagle says Wellington City Council has not ruled out making it mandatory if support falls flat.
The standard aims to improve the health, safety and earthquake resilience of all Wellington homes, and comes in the wake of the rental warrant of fitness approved by the council last week.

Rotorua scheduled in Housing Accords Act

The Rotorua Lakes district has been added to Schedule 1 of the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas (HASHAA) Act 2013, Building and Construction Minister Dr Nick Smith says.
“There is a real will from the Rotorua Lakes Council and the Government to develop a Housing Accord to address increased pressures on the local housing market. The first step to achieving this is adding Rotorua to the HASHAA Schedule.”

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