NZ Urban Development news from the media | 1 November 2022 | Changes to the Unit Titles Act


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 1 November 2022.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Changes to the Unit Titles Act

The Amendment Act aims to improve the way unit titles are run, including more transparency and clearer rules. It was passed into law on 9 May 2022. The ‘in force’ date is when people need to comply with the new law.

These changes will impact all New Zealanders who own or live in a unit title property. There are currently over 15,000 unit title developments, with over 185,000 individual units nationwide.

The Amendment Act includes changes to:

  • Improve the way information is provided to prospective buyers of units
  • Strengthen the rules around how a body corporate is run
  • Increase the professionalism and standards of body corporate managers
  • Make sure there’s adequate planning and funding of long-term maintenance and infrastructure projects
  • Improve access to dispute resolution
  • Provide the regulator with new enforcement tools to support compliance with the Act

Celebrating new homes for seniors in Glen Eden

Kāinga Ora and community housing provider Haumaru Housing have officially marked the completion of 41, one-bedroom homes in Glen Eden, designed for older people.

Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Social Development and Employment recently celebrated the opening of the new homes at the 6-level complex at Wilson Rd, along with representatives from Kāinga Ora and Haumaru Housing.

Kāinga Ora Programme Director Nick Seymour noted all 41 homes have heat pumps, wet areas in the bathrooms and other features such as handrails suitable for people with limited mobility.

“These fit-for-purpose, modern units will provide much needed state homes in an area of high demand, and we wish the tenants gathered here today every happiness in their new homes,” Nick said.

Hamilton theatre advocates spend $7m-plus on commercial properties near new site

A group of Hamilton businessman who have openly supported the new state-of-the-art, publicly-funded Waikato Regional Theatre have snapped up multiple buildings near the site.

But they say there is absolutely no link between them and their involvement in the theatre because the buildings were bought well after the project started and they hope to eventually use them to create an arts and culture precinct in the area.

Waikato Regional Property Trust trustee and Hamilton lawyer Scott Ratuki, Foster Goup chief executive Leonard Gardner whose firm is building the new theatre and Edwards White Architects director Brian White are behind two limited partnerships that have bought five commercial premises across from where the theatre is being built within the last 18 months.

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