NZ Urban Development news from the media | 1 October 2024 | Reforming the building consent system


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 1 October 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Reforming the building consent system

The Government is investigating options for a major reform of the building consent system to improve efficiency and consistency across New Zealand, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says.  

“New Zealand has some of the least affordable housing in the world, which has dire social and economic implications. At the heart of the issue is unreasonably high building costs and a cumbersome consenting system which saps productivity and disincentivises growth and development.

“The building consent system is intended to protect homeowners from defective building work by requiring work to be inspected and consented by a Building Consent Authority (BCA). 

“There are currently 67 BCAs across the country, each with different practices and approaches. We have a single building code that is supposed to apply consistently to all building work nationally. However, there are many instances of builders submitting the exact same plans to different BCAs and finding considerable additional costs and delays result from differing interpretations of the building code.

“This is especially challenging for large scale home builders and off-site manufacturers, along with modular and prefab builders, who work across regional boundaries. For example, in a recent survey of Master Builders Association members 80 per cent reported having to deal with multiple BCAs, and 66 per cent experienced delays.

Ōpōtiki Marina and Industrial Park: Resource consent granted after agreement with hapū

With the granting of long-awaited resource consents for a marina and industrial park, developer Chris Peterson is excited to start work on what he describes as “the final piece of the puzzle” for Ōpōtiki’s aquaculture and marine industry.

The Environment Court ordered the granting of resource consent for the development last week after a mediation process saw Ōpōtiki Marina and Industrial Park (OMAI) come to an agreement with Whakatōhea hapū groups that had contested the consents.

“This is really exciting news for the Ōpōtiki community. For Whakatōhea as well,” Peterson said.

The agreement between OMAI and hapū groups included the formation of a tangata whenua liaison group, Ngā Hapū o te Whakatōhea Engagement Group, to provide ongoing feedback on the development.

Auckland Council monthly housing update, September 2024

September highlights:

  • 1290 dwellings were consented in July 2024.
  • In the year ending July 2024, 13,662 dwellings were consented in the region.
  • 36 per cent of new dwellings consented in July 2024 were houses, 3 per cent were apartments and 61 per cent were townhouses, flats, units, retirement village units, or other types of attached dwellings.
  • 49 dwellings were consented on Kainga Ora or Tamaki Regeneration Company owned land in July 2024.
  • 1221 dwellings consented in July 2024 were inside the RUB. Over the past 12 months, 95 per cent of new dwellings consented were inside the RUB. 
  • 19 per cent of dwellings consented were inside the 1500m walking catchments of the rapid transit network in July 2024.
  • 365 dwellings were consented on properties overlapping hazard zones in July 2024, accounting for 28 per cent of total dwellings consented. Over the past 12 months, 14 per cent of new dwellings were consented on properties overlapping a hazard zone.
  • 1614 dwellings were 'completed' by having a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) issued in July 2024.
  • In the year ending July 2024, 19,197 dwellings had a CCC issued.

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