Kāinga Ora purchases Nelson City Council social housing properties
Nelson City Council has sold its social housing portfolio to Kāinga Ora in an agreement both believe will help stimulate a wider range of housing options in that region.
Kāinga Ora will take over management of the council’s 142 properties and their tenants as a result of the deal. Much of the sale proceeds will be invested into a new council Housing Reserve that will seek investment into social and affordable housing projects across the wider Nelson community.
All council tenants will retain their current tenancy as part of the agreement that will formally take effect in early 2021.

Kāinga Ora push ahead with Hamilton development despite opposition
Kāinga Ora have filed plans to build a major state housing development in Hamilton’s north-east, opting not to seek public notification of their resource consents.
The housing agency lodged a resource consent application to build a 60-unit development on Endeavour Ave on November 4 and is part of Kāinga Ora’s plans to build 2000 new state homes in Hamilton over the next four years.
The Flagstaff proposal, however, has divided local residents, with more than 2700 people signing a petition calling for the development to be halted.

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Annual Report 2019/20 released
The 2019/20 year is the first full year of operation for the Ministry. The Report highlights the work we have been doing to deliver on the Government’s priorities and to support enduring change for the housing and urban development system.
During the 2019-20 year the Ministry has continued to make good progress towards the outcomes we are seeking for all New Zealanders: vibrant, flourishing communities, affordable homes for every generation and wellbeing through housing, enabled by a self-adjusting system.

Auckland monthly housing update, November 2020
November highlights:
- 1734 dwellings were consented in September 2020.
- In the year ending September 2020, 15,466 dwellings were consented in the region.
- 36 per cent of new dwellings consented in September 2020 were houses, 20 per cent were apartments and 44 per cent were townhouses, flats, units, retirement village units, or other types of attached dwellings.
- 30 dwellings were consented on Kāinga Ora or Tāmaki Regeneration Company owned land in September 2020.

Developer abandons appeal over New Plymouth hotel/apartment complex
The Seaport Land Company was refused resource consents over concerns about noise from Port Taranaki and the development's proximity to hazardous facilities.
But it's not giving up the fight entirely.
Seaport Land Company said the opportunity to redevelop the former cool store buildings near Ngāmotu Beach and adjacent to Port Taranaki is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
It said the project, including offices, shops and restaurants will rejuvenate a neglected part of the city and allow the local hapū, Ngāti Te Whiti, to reconnect with a historical pā site.