NZ Urban Development news from the media | 11 August 2020 | Getting infrastructure for housing underway


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 11 August 2020.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Advisory, a member of:                             

Getting infrastructure for housing underway

Eight shovel-ready projects within Kāinga Ora large-scale developments, and the Unitec residential development in Auckland have been given the go-ahead, Minister for Housing Dr Megan Woods announced.

Megan Woods says these significant infrastructure upgrades will ensure that the provision of homes in Auckland can continue apace.

“The funding announced today will have far-reaching benefits beyond the improvements to Auckland’s ageing infrastructure, including more jobs, and critical upgrades to support the construction of more homes.”

“The work will provide much needed direct employment and economic stimulus, and support housing, community and environmental outcomes. The Unitec project alone is estimated to create 250 jobs while the Auckland Council estimates over 400 jobs may be created in the other projects,” Megan Woods said.

New fund to support housing and construction sector

A $350 million Residential Development Response Fund is being established to support the residential construction sector and to minimise the economic impact from COVID-19, the Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods has announced.

The settings will have more flexibility so that where an eligible buyer has not been found, the programme will allow:

  • KiwiBuild homes to be sold to progressive home ownership providers, community housing providers, and if the home is suitable, to Kāinga Ora for public housing.
  • Up to 25 per cent (from 15 per cent) of KiwiBuild homes in an underwritten development may be sold on the open market to further incentivise lenders and developers to keep delivering new housing.

North's best new buildings: Architecture awards show diverse range of work

The NZ Institute of Architects today named the 44 best new buildings in the Auckland region, which includes the Far North.

Catalina Bay's Sunderland Hangar in Hobsonville by Cheshire Architects and Ignite Architects saw an "original structure lovingly restored and the building should serve as a popular hang-out for the locals and as a means of encouraging a sustainable and vibrant community", the judges said.

Waikato iwi to build its first police station in Cambridge

Tainui Group Holdings is about to add police stations to its portfolio of impressive property and commercial developments.

The commercial arm of the iwi and New Zealand Police have announced a partnership which will start with a proposal to build a new police base in Cambridge.

The two are in the final stages of negotiation for the project which Tainui said could be the start of a new model for the public sector.

A significant number of police stations across the Waikato are on land owned by Waikato-Tainui that was returned to the iwi as part of the Raupatu settlement with the Crown in 1995.

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