NZ Urban Development news from the media | 13 August 2024 | Te Ara Tukutuku concept designs for Wynyard Point


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 13 August 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Te Ara Tukutuku concept designs for Wynyard Point

Over the next 15 years, the northern end of Wynyard Point will be transformed as part of Te Ara Tukutuku Plan. The aspiration of this Eke Panuku project is to create one of the most beautiful open spaces and waterfront destinations in Tāmaki Makaurau. It will be a space for everyone.

We are co-designing the space alongside our Mana Whenua partners, bringing together mātauranga Māori (traditional Māori knowledge and practice) and specialists in landscape design, marine ecology, plant ecology and engineering.

Your feedback showed that you are most interested in:

  • places to swim and be close to the sea
  • walking and cycling paths
  • spaces for quiet reflection, being in nature
  • a diverse range of educational and research programmes
  • opportunities to care for the space
  • an improved marine environment
  • native trees to support bird life.

Plan change raises flooding concerns

Flooding concerns over developments at 47 Golding Road and 50 Pukekohe East Road have been raised by Franklin Local Board in its views on a proposed private plan change - Plan Change 98.

Board chair Angela Fulljames says the board was asked to express its views on Plan Change 98 - being sought by OMAC and Next Generation Properties.

“We have concerns around water supply and stormwater management. Both those issues have also been raised by Watercare, whose position that development should align with supply capacity, we strongly support.
“This is a site that needs to be carefully considered for flooding given its topography and adjacent development that will deliver more hard surfaces that will increase waterflow.”

Fulljames says the board also expressed concerns around transport issues.

“We are concerned at the implications for the local traffic network, especially when the road between Golding Road and Pukekohe East could become a rat-run for commuter vehicles and freight.

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