NZ Urban Development news from the media | 15 Dec 2020 | Investors have a new aged care operator to choose from with Radius Care listing on NZX


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 15 December 2020.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Investors have a new aged care operator to choose from with Radius Care listing on NZX

Investors will have another large aged care provider to invest in when Radius Care lists on the New Zealand sharemarket on 10 December.

It is not offering shares to the public at this point but will be in the future to raise capital for expansion of its retirement village operations.

Radius is predominantly an aged care provider with 22 facilities, three of which it owns and 19 which it leases, and it owns and operates two retirement villages. Its business is different from its competitors on the NZX who make a good deal of their profits from building and reselling retirement village units.

Jasper’s new industrial fund fully subscribed with a $15.2m equity raise

A new industrial property investment fund from proptech company Jasper has been oversubscribed with $15.2 million in new investor equity raised.

The Jasper Industrial Income Plus Fund is a private commercial real estate fund that invests directly in a portfolio of industrial properties.

It targets assets in high-growth areas, with resilient tenants and long-term leases, to deliver regular passive income and capital appreciation over time.

Investors are forecast to receive a pre-tax cash return of 6 per cent per annum, with distributions to be paid monthly.

Final blessing for Wynyard Edge Alliance works on the waterfront

An accumulation of many years of hard work was commemorated on the morning of 7 December, with a mana whenua-led ceremony to mark the completion of two places known as ‘breakwater one’ and ‘Silo Park extension’, as well as the connecting roads in between.

The last of the America’s Cup infrastructure sites to be completed, the morning ceremony signified the end of Panuku working closely with Wynyard Edge Alliance to deliver the extensive infrastructure works required to make the upcoming 36th America’s Cup Event a success.

It was a fitting sunrise for the occasion with a stunning sky of purple hues framing the city skyline and greeting the group as they walked over breakwater one.

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