NZ Urban Development news from the media | 16 July 2024 | Northport container terminal expansion rejected


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 16 July 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Northport container terminal expansion rejected

Plans for a major container terminal in Northland have suffered a blow with independent commissioners turning down an application for a multimillion-dollar port expansion.

Northport had applied to the Northland Regional and Whangārei District Councils for a raft of resource consents, including for an almost 12-hectare reclamation, a 250-metre wharf extension, and 1.7 million cubic metres of dredging.

In a newly released decision, the commissioners said a dedicated container terminal at Marsden Point, near Whangārei, would bring economic and social benefits.

However, they said the reclamation would have significant adverse effects on the cultural values of tāngata whenua, on recreation, and on public access to coast.

Taking action to reduce road cones

The Coalition Government is taking action to reduce expenditure on road cones and temporary traffic management (TTM) while maintaining the safety of workers and road users, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.

  • Rolling out a new risk-based approach to TTM that will reduce the number of road cones on our roads. 
  • Requiring NZTA to publicly report in October on how much money has been spent on TTM each year for the past three years, and begin quarterly reporting on the cost of TTM with the expectation that this expenditure will reduce. 
  • Appointing independent members to the Road Efficiency Group to manage the reduction in TTM expenditure.

“Road maintenance is essential, and some level of TTM is unavoidable. But the current approach out of control. Excessive use of road cones and temporary speed limit reductions - sometimes left in place when work is complete - simply increases cost, forces people to slow down, and frustrates drivers.


Trackless trams trial coming to Auckland

Auckland Transport is set to trial digital rapid transit vehicles, also known as trackless trams, in Auckland after coming to an agreement with a Chinese company.

Auckland Council’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee were presented with the idea of trackless trams for Auckland by China Rail in May.

AT is now working with China Rail and tram provider TransitNEXT to organise a trial slated for late 2024.

The trial is set to take place on Sundays on the Northern Busway between Akoranga and Albany.

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