More support to get stalled housing projects moving
A fund to stop targeted housing projects from falling over, will soon be open for a second round of applications, after supporting eight developments around the country to go ahead.
So far, the Build Ready Development pathway, has allowed projects that otherwise would not have progressed, to get on with plans to build 144 homes in areas where there’s a high need for new housing.
“The housing developments are in South Auckland, Ngārauawahia, Tauranga, Napier, Hastings, Levin, Waikanae and Lower Hutt. Three of the projects now have construction underway,” says Megan Woods.
“The pathway provides support to unlock third party finance and keep the development moving, so we don’t lose the critical supply of new housing to help fix the housing crisis we inherited,” Megan Woods said.
An important criteria for getting this Government support, is that all developments must include affordable housing.