NZ Urban Development news from the media | 23 June 2020 | Streamlined consents to boost jobs and economic recovery


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 23 June 2020.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Advisory, a member of:                             

Streamlined consents to boost jobs and economic recovery

The Government has today announced 11 infrastructure projects that will be fast-tracked under a new law to help rebuild the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The specific projects are listed in the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track) Bill that will be introduced In the House later this week. The Bill also opens the way for other projects to be fast tracked to help deliver faster economic growth and more jobs as soon as possible,” Environment Minister David Parker said.

On the first track are the 11 Government-led projects specified in the legislation and assessed as suitable for the fast-track process. They range from roads to cycleways, rail upgrades, water storage, and housing developments and have the potential to provide an estimated 1250-plus jobs.

Senior housing design builds connection in Avondale

Deputy Chief Executive Construction and Innovation Patrick Dougherty says it’s exciting to have recently lodged resource consent for this significant development.

“Kāinga Ora tenants, just like the rest of the population, are living longer,” Patrick says. “As well as providing warm and dry homes, this complex has been specifically designed to meet the health, social, and wellbeing needs of our older tenants.”

The development, which is located between Great North Road and Community Lane, is expected to include 236 homes, which will predominately be made up of a state housing complex for older people, alongside a component of market homes and commercial space.

It will be contained within five apartment buildings, spanning six to eight levels. Four of the apartment blocks, or 81 percent of the development, will be retained for state housing. These homes enable tenants to live independently, or with some assistance, as required.

Australia's Centuria mounts second takeover bid for Augusta Capital

An Australian funds manager wants to fully take over New Zealand commercial property investor, Augusta Capital.

It's the second time Centuria Capital has made an offer for Augusta Capital but the second offer is half the price of the first.

The first at $2 a share was made in January and then withdrawn in late March following the Covid-19 lockdown and disruption.

Augusta Capital said this offer was for an "implied" $1 a share, made up of NZ20c and 0.392 Centuria Stapled Securities per Augusta Share. It advised shareholders to wait for guidance from the company and for an independent adviser's report.

Wellington hotel Grand Mercure closes indefinitely

Wellington hotel Grand Mercure has announced it will be closing indefinitely as a result of Covid-19.

The hotel's management recently announced a "temporary hibernation period" for the hotel, which is located on The Terrace, in the central Wellington suburb of Te Aro.

The announcement was posted on the hotel’s website after it remained unopened during alert levels 3 and 2.

"We have made the difficult decision to go into temporary hibernation. It is with a heavy heart that we do so, as it is all of you who bring meaning to what we do every day."

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