NZ Urban Development news from the media | 29 Sep 2020 | Bowen Campus office building developments push forward


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 5 October 2020.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Bowen Campus office building developments push forward

Inner city property development specialist Precinct Properties may have two office building developments underway in Wellington’s Bowen Campus in a few months as it moves ahead with its first one.

Precinct Properties chief executive Scott Pritchard said the company was aiming to have a second office building in construction in the next few months and was working on securing tenant leasing commitments for that building at 44 Bowen St before starting to build it.

The value of Precinct’s buildings in Wellington rose in the June 2020 financial year from $705.7 million to $747.7m. Pritchard said investors were placing a higher value on properties with secure, long term tenants like the Government.

Another subdivision planned for resort

Another major Queenstown subdivision has been proposed for land between Jacks Point and Frankton.
If approved, the 272-section Woolshed Road subdivision would be the fourth in the area, along with Hanley’s Farm (projected 1750 sections), the proposed Coneburn special housing area (632 sections) and Jacks Point.

Classic Developments Ltd, a subsidiary of national building company Classic Builders Group, wants to develop Woolshed Road in stages on a 14ha site immediately north of Hanley’s Farm and about 250m south of Coneburn.

The Auckland company plans 47 KiwiBuild apartments in the 117-apartment Aroha complex and another 85 Kiwibuilds in a future development and fourth venture with Marutūāhu in central Auckland in February.

Myers Park improvements a step closer

Waitematā Local Board has endorsed a preliminary design for the Mayoral Drive underpass and northern entrance, one of a number of upgrades to Myers Park as part of the Myers Park Development Plan.

The development plan began in 2012, with the first stage of the project seeing a new play area and upgraded lighting and footpaths, completed in 2015 in time for the Myers Park centennial celebration.

The Mayoral Drive underpass design will see an accessible, safe and obvious entrance into the park and includes improvements to the Mayoral Drive/Queen Street entrance stairs and new artwork on the underside of the Mayoral Drive bridge.

Government housing programme dashboard updated - August 2020

The August 2020 update to the Housing Dashboard is now available that shows the progress of key parts of the Government’s housing programme.

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