NZ Urban Development news from the media | 3 May 2022 | Government supports extra housing development


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 3 May 2022.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Government supports extra housing development

  • Five Auckland suburbs to get improved infrastructure to boost supply of new housing, and support existing homes
  • Up to 16,000 new homes enabled on crown-owned land including public, affordable and market homes
  • Capacity created for an extra 11,000 homes on surrounding privately owned land.
  • Projects include water main renewal, sewage and storm water system upgrades, flood protection, footpath and road improvements and site decontamination.

The Government is funding further infrastructure for five Auckland suburbs undergoing regeneration to support new and existing housing for New Zealanders and their families, Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods has announced.

Around 400 urban renewal projects in Mt Roskill, Mangere, Tāmaki, Oranga and Northcote will receive funding from the Government’s $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF) to unlock more housing.

Engagement on draft national adaptation plan and managed retreat

The draft plan sets out coordinated and comprehensive actions to support all sectors and communities adapt to the locked-in impacts of climate change, like rising sea levels and more frequent and severe weather events.

We’re asking for people’s views on the overall plan and on the proposed new legislation for managed retreat. This is the careful and planned retreat of people, places and sites of significance away from areas at high risk from the impacts of climate change.

Developing new legislation on managed retreat, as part of reform of the RMA, is one of the draft plan’s major actions. Engagement on the plan provides the opportunity for people to give their views on this as well.

Government partners with Ka Uruora to deliver up to 172 new homes for whānau

Minister of Housing Hon Dr Megan Woods and Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing) Peeni Henare have today announced a new investment partnership with Ka Uruora to build up to 172 new homes for whānau who need them most.

Ministers Henare and Jackson joined partners Ka Uruora at an event in New Plymouth where the announcement was made today.

“The housing crisis was decades in the making, and we are turning it around through housing policy reforms, and the largest Government investment since the 1970s to get a lot more new housing built,” Megan Woods said.ānau

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