NZ Urban Development news from the media | 30 April | Revised cost for transformational City Rail Link


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 30 April 2019.

Provided by Rockhopper

Revised cost for transformational City Rail Link

City Rail Link Ltd (CRL Ltd) has announced a revised cost envelope for completing the entire Auckland City Rail Link project totalling $4.419 billion, alongside naming its preferred bidder for its substantive C3 Contract to build the underground tunnels and stations and a $75 million Early Works Contract.

CRL Ltd’s Chief Executive, Dr Sean Sweeney, says after a rigorous and comprehensive review of project costs, a revised cost envelope has been submitted to the project’s sponsors – the Crown and Auckland Council – for approval. 

“The $1 billion cost increase on the previous $3.4 billion estimate made in 2014 reflects significant changes impacting the project in the past five years,” says Dr Sweeney.

Panuku reveals new plan for Northcote town centre

Panuku project sponsor, Angelika Cutler, is excited about what is planned for Northcote. 

“Northcote is a great spot. It’s close to the city with fantastic North Shore beaches and great schools. With the new homes being built in the neighbourhood, we want to make sure the town centre is renewed to meet the needs of locals and to make the most of its fantastic location. 

“The plan stays true to what we have heard from locals over several years of planning. People have told us they want better public space and a safer vibe in the town centre. At the same time, we want to make sure we keep the things that people love such as the great dining and cultural experiences.

Almost 600 Queenstown homes lost, 600 gained at council meeting

opes for 579 homes on Queenstown's Ladies Mile have been dashed but plans for another 600 near Jacks Point are progressing.

A meeting of the Queenstown Lakes District Council considered four proposed Special Housing Areas under urgency as the legislation allowing them to proceed is due to expire later this year.

Lake Hayes Estate and Shotover Country Community Association chairman Clark Pirie told the council residents were opposed to the three controversial proposals accounting for 579 homes on the Ladies Mile.

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