NZ Urban Development news from the media | 30 March 2021 | New Government fund announced


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 30 March 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

New Government fund announced

In March 2021, the Government has announced measures to increase housing supply, improve housing affordability, and support first home buyers.

The key components of the Housing Acceleration Fund are:

  • an infrastructure fund (to unlock a mix of private sector led and Government led developments)
  • additional funding for the Government’s Land for Housing Programme to accelerate development of vacant or underutilised Crown owned land, operate in more regions, and deliver a broader range of affordable housing options for rental and home ownership.

Ormiston Town Centre is open for business

Ormiston Town Centre officially opened its doors for business on 25th Marcj 2021.

The major retail destination, delivered by Todd Property Group in partnership with Panuku Development Auckland, is part of a 19-hectare development in south-east Auckland, an area with a rapidly growing population.

Approximately 88,000 people call Ormiston home, and this number is projected to grow with more homes being planned along with commercial and community development. Until today, there has been a lack of shops, homes and eateries available to this growing community.

Oceania Healthcare raises $80m quick smart to expand in Auckland

Aged care and retirement village operator Oceania Healthcare has raised $80 million in a day for its growth plans in Auckland.

Institutional investors have snapped up the new shares in Oceania priced at $1.30, 6.5 per cent cheaper than the last closing price for the shares on Monday of $1.39.

Institutions bid for the shares through a “bookbuild”. Oceania said existing institutional shareholders strongly supported the capital raising and new institutions also bought shares.

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