NZ Urban Development news from the media | 30 May 2023 | Locals invited to have their say on the future of eastern Porirua


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 30 May 2023.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Locals invited to have their say on the future of eastern Porirua

Hui tahi tātou o Porirua is a series of events designed to give the community an opportunity to view and provide feedback on the draft Spatial Plan, May 26-June 10.

Extensive community consultation in 2019 helped shape the draft Spatial Plan, which is a critical document for the Porirua Development—a partnership between Kāinga Ora, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Porirua City Council.

Porirua Development Project Director Will Pennington, says hui tahi tātou o Porirua is an exciting opportunity to reconnect with the community on their aspirations for eastern Porirua.

“The Spatial Plan is designed to help us deliver an even better place to live – both for the people who live here today and for future generations,” he said.

“Previous community engagement helped us identify seven focus areas and five key moves that Porirua Development must deliver on, in order to have the biggest positive impact for eastern Porirua.

Five community energy projects kick start

Eighty-nine households will soon benefit from secure, renewable, and more affordable energy as five community-level energy projects are about to get underway, Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods announced today.  

 Five solar projects – in Whangārei, Tauranga, Palmerston North and Christchurch – are the first to receive funding from the government’s Community Renewable Energy Fund. 

 “Last year, the Government committed funding to support small-scale community renewable energy projects, to make energy more affordable and resilient for households,” Megan Woods said.

“As we’ve seen through Cyclone Gabrielle, households with small-scale energy generation through solar panels and batteries, were able to keep essential appliances running, when mains power was impacted.

“Budget 2023 last week topped up the funding by another $30 million (on top of $16m in Budget 2022) for the next four years to ensure even more households and communities can benefit from renewable energy and make their power bills cheaper.

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