NZ Urban Development news from the media | 7 December 2021 | A towering addition to the skyline


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 7 December 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

A towering addition to the skyline

As winner of both the CBRE Commercial Office Property Award and the Rider Levett Bucknall Supreme Award, Commercial Bay’s PwC Tower is an outstanding mixed-use development that is a jewel in the crown of Auckland’s waterfront.

Commercial Bay is a city-defining project occupying an entire CBD block on Auckland’s harbour. It sits at the point where the historic ‘mercantile axis’ meets the emergent ‘waterfront axis’, so it’s a place that connects Aucklanders and visitors to the Waitemata-  Harbour, as well as reviving a rich history as a base of trade and commerce. At the heart of this mixed-use development is the striking 39-level PwC Tower. The $1b project extends to 97,500sqm of built form and encompasses the city centre block from One Queen Street. The brief was to create Auckland’s most desirable commercial address – a world-class workplace supported by unparalleled occupant amenities, best-in-class retail and food, and superb connection to transport. That has translated into a building accommodating 120 retailers and hospitality venues, and three levels of basement car parking. Built by Fletcher Construction, the highly complex and challenging build saw Precinct Properties entering into a development agreement with City Rail Link (CRL). As a result, Precinct constructed the tunnels running beneath Commercial Bay. These amalgamate bus, rail and ferry infrastructure through a series of new public lanes.

Consents remain at record levels

There were 47,715 new homes consented in the year ended October 2021, up 26 percent compared with the year ended October 2020, Stats NZ said today.

“The year ended October 2021 marks another record for the annual number of new homes consented,” construction statistics manager Michael Heslop said.

“The annual number of new homes consented has been setting new records since March 2021 when the previous high (in the year ended February 1974) of 40,025 was surpassed for the first time.”

Crown weighs up offers for central Christchurch housing sites

Housing developers have made “substantive” offers for two blocks of land recently put up for sale in central Christchurch’s east frame.

The Crown has been seeking proposals for the sites, which it owns as part of the east frame anchor project intended to deliver 900 new homes.

Fletcher Living has already bought several east frame sites in an exclusive development deal with the Crown. The housing developer has 250 homes built or under construction on the land.

Crown rebuild company Ōtākaro sought proposals by November 25 from other developers who could help speed up construction.

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