NZ Urban Development news from the media | 7 January | NZ’s first green, climate-resilient communities


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 7 January 2020.

Provided by Rockhopper

NZ’s first green, climate-resilient communities

Two Panuku neighbourhoods have achieved a Green Star - Communities rating for exceptional masterplanning, a first in New Zealand.

Awarded by the New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC), the Opanuku Precinct in Henderson and the Unlock Takapuna programme have been independently rated for their commitment to sustainability, planning for climate change and building community resilience.

The ratings are the first of their kind to be completed in New Zealand, with both projects securing a 5 Star Green Star rating.

Arrow International creditor claims top $46m

Unsecured creditors of failed construction company Arrow International NZ are now owed $46 million, according to its liquidators.

The 35-year-old company went into voluntary administration in March, with a raft of major projects underway including apartments in Auckland, Wellington, and Millbrook near Queenstown.

When it went into liquidation in June, its liquidators BDO NZ warned that debts could top $40m.

New golf and housing development at Millbrook Resort takes shape

Demolition consent has been approved and the key figure behind Invercargill's multi-million city block development is looking forward to now seeing some action.

The Invercargill City Council confirmed on Thursday that demolition consent has been approved, pending a couple of minor administrative adjustments, which applicant, HWCP Management Ltd, was sorting.

Christchurch-based company Ceres NZ has been awarded the demolition contract and is set to start preparation work this week.

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