NZ Urban Development news from the media | 9 Feb 2021 | Developer with plans to build buys empty site in Christchurch's health precinct


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 9 February 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Developer with plans to build buys empty site in Christchurch's health precinct

A prominent Christchurch-based property developer has bought a prime riverside piece of land in the city’s health precinct.

Huadu International Management Group has purchased the 1763-square-metre former Oxford Clinic building site at 36-44 Oxford Tce and plans to build a medical services facility. The developer filed a consent application for the facility in August last year.

The site is next to the Canterbury District Health Board's corporate office and has been sold by Ōtākaro Ltd, the crown's rebuild agency. It is currently used as a car park.

Huadu chairman Jianping Wang said in a statement the health precinct was an important part of Christchurch’s social and economic infrastructure.

The Housing Dashboard December 2020 

The Government housing programme dashboard is published by Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, using publicly available information from various government agencies and partners. The December 2020 dashboard shows the latest facts on housing progress across the housing system.

Record number of new homes consented in December quarter

A record 11,291 new homes were consented in the December 2020 quarter, Stats NZ said today.

The previous quarterly record was in December 1973, when 10,713 new homes were consented. For the year ended December 2020, the number of new homes consented was 39,420.

“If the rate of new homes consented continues like the December 2020 quarter, we could possibly see the annual figures surpass those from the 1970s. If population size is considered however, the figures from the 1970s are still much higher,” construction statistics manager Michael Heslop said.

The number of new homes consented per 1,000 residents in the December 2020 year was 7.8. The record was in the December 1973 year at 13.4. The population of New Zealand in the mid-1970s was around 3 million, compared with about 5 million today.

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