NZ Urban Development news from the media | 9 June 2021 | NZ Upgrade Programme kept on track


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 8 June 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

NZ Upgrade Programme kept on track

The Government is increasing its investment in the New Zealand Upgrade Programme (NZUP) to support New Zealand’s economic recovery.

Over two thirds of the projects will proceed as announced despite increased costs due to COVID, with modifications being made to others.

“NZUP is already supporting over 1,000 jobs with 13 projects underway, helping to secure our economic recovery,” Grant Robertson said.

“Fully funding the new estimated costs for every project would have cost up to $6 billion extra on top of the original $6.8 billion, so instead we’ve taken a balanced approach with a mix of additional investment and a handful of projects being re-scoped while also keeping a lid on debt.

Auckland Council passes $32 billion Recovery Budget

Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance Committee has strongly supported Mayor Phil Goff’s $31.8 billion Recovery Budget proposal, and the Budget will now be formally adopted by the Governing Body next month.

The Recovery Budget, which sets out the council’s spending for the next decade, will:

  • Support Auckland’s recovery from the impacts of COVID-19
  • Lift investment by $5.6 billion to a record $31.8 billion over ten years
  • Increase spending on the environment and responding to climate change
  • Protect key services and renewal of community assets

New high-end apartments for Hamilton's CBD

Hamilton's inner-city transformation will soon include a new high-end apartment building.

Waikato-based Downey Construction has revealed plans to transform the former Opus House building on Harwood Street into 22 high-end apartments – including two bespoke penthouse suites.

Work to convert the glass-clad office block into apartments started in May, soon after the last office staff relocated from the building. The redevelopment is expected to be completed before Christmas 2022.

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