NZ Urban Development news from the media | 9 March 2021 | Government delivers 1,000 more transitional housing places


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 9 March 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Government delivers 1,000 more transitional housing places

The Government has added 1,000 more transitional housing places as promised under the Aotearoa New Zealand Homelessness Action Plan (HAP), launched one year ago.

Minister of Housing Megan Woods says the milestone supports the Government’s priority to ensure every New Zealander has warm, dry, secure housing.

“Transitional housing provides people with an immediate housing need, some of who have been living in overcrowded situations, with warm, dry, short-term accommodation and vital wrap around support services,” Megan Woods said.

Building costs hurting NZ's construction chances, says property fund

Construction costs in have gotten so high that one company is considering contracting services out to Australia.

Aaron Hockly, chief executive of NZX-listed Vital Healthcare, oversees 42 healthcare investment properties in Australia and New Zealand, including Wakefield Hospital in Wellington.

The hospital is going through a $98 million upgrade, but cost blowouts have pushed the budget out to $114m

Federal Street transformation continues with Stage 2 upgrade

A new shared space is coming to the city centre with work commencing in March to transform Federal Street between Mayoral Drive and Wellesley Street into a safer space for pedestrians. This is part of a wider programme creating a network of inviting, people-friendly laneways in the city centre.

The Federal Street Stage 2 upgrade will turn this section of Federal Street into a high-quality shared space for the many people who walk or cycle through Federal Street, work in the area, and for those who call Federal Street home.

When it’s complete in early 2022, the street will boast more inviting places to sit and relax, new native trees and plantings and enhanced lighting to support a people-friendly space. Raingardens will also be installed to filter stormwater and improve the runoff that flows into our waterways.

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